Welcome To The Spun Threads

Welcome to another poetry blog. I spin these poems because I feel the need to write about what I feel. If someone else enjoys them, that is a bonus.

I hope you enjoy what you read here. Let me know what strikes you.

These are the threads of my life

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Tidbit

Every now and then I start writing a poem with the first word that comes to mind. these usually aren't too complex, just a little tidbit between something deeper. I was getting tired of not posting and didn't have a book of my poetry nearby, so I tried one of these. It describes a place I often find myself at. (I ended that sentence with a prepositon. Drive my wife crazy. Or is that a dangling participle. Never could remember the difference.)


Not sitting or running
just Standing
Here and Now

Ahead...is grim
Behind...is dim
Around is ache and sorrow...

Stay the course
Catch your breath
Trust the road
Trust the builder

...just one step


written by Jeff Couch 10/31/07